Illinois Inmate Lookup


McLean County Jail, located in Bloomington, Illinois, serves as the principal correctional facility for McLean County. With a rich history spanning over a century, the jail has undergone various renovations and expansions to accommodate changing needs. 

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Early History and Early Challenges

The original McLean County Jail, constructed in the mid-1800s, was a modest structure designed to house a small number of inmates. As the county's population grew, so did the demand for a larger and more secure facility. In 1878, a new jail was built, featuring 24 cells and improved security measures. However, the jail soon proved inadequate as the inmate population continued to rise.

Renovations and Expansion

In light of the growing need for jail space, McLean County officials initiated a series of renovations and expansions to the jail. In the early 1900s, a substantial addition was constructed, increasing the jail's capacity to accommodate a larger number of inmates. Further renovations and upgrades followed throughout the 20th century, including the implementation of modern technology and improved security systems. In 2000, a new state-of-the-art jail facility was constructed adjacent to the old jail, ultimately replacing the original structure.

Current Facility and Programs

The current McLean County Jail is a 330-bed facility that comprises various housing units, including general population cells, solitary confinement cells, and a medical unit. Additionally, the jail provides various programs and services to inmates, such as educational opportunities, substance abuse treatment, and mental health counseling. The jail also works in collaboration with community organizations to facilitate reentry programs and assist inmates with their transition back into society upon release.

Challenges and Ongoing Developments

Like many other correctional facilities, the McLean County Jail faces various challenges, including overcrowding, budget constraints, and the need for additional mental health and addiction treatment resources. The jail has responded to these challenges by implementing various initiatives and programs to address overcrowding and improve inmate care. These include increased collaboration with local law enforcement agencies to reduce the number of pre-trial detainees, as well as the expansion of treatment programs and partnerships with community organizations. The jail is also undergoing a comprehensive renovation project to modernize and upgrade the facility, ensuring it continues to meet the needs of the community.

The McLean County Jail has played a vital role in the criminal justice system of McLean County for over a century. Through its continuous renovations, expansion, and implementation of modern programs and services, the jail has adapted to changing needs and challenges. As the jail continues to evolve and adapt, it remains committed to providing a safe and secure environment for inmates and staff while promoting rehabilitation and facilitating successful reintegration into society.

Notable Events and Inmates

Throughout its history, the McLean County Jail has witnessed several notable events and housed various individuals who gained public attention. Some of the most significant incidents and inmates associated with the jail include:

  • The McLean County Courthouse Riot of 1931: In 1931, a group of inmates at the McLean County Jail staged a riot in protest against poor living conditions and alleged mistreatment by jail staff. The riot resulted in significant damage to the jail and injuries to several inmates and staff members.

  • The Incarceration of John Dillinger: In 1934, infamous gangster John Dillinger was briefly held at the McLean County Jail after his arrest in nearby Decatur, Illinois. Dillinger's incarceration at the jail drew national attention and prompted increased security measures.

  • The 2008 Jail Escape: In 2008, two inmates escaped from the McLean County Jail by using a hacksaw to cut through the bars of their cell window. The escapees were later apprehended, but the incident highlighted the need for improved security at the jail.

  • The Death of Eric Clyde Sims: In 2015, Eric Clyde Sims, an inmate at the McLean County Jail, died while in custody. Sims' death sparked an investigation into the jail's medical care and prompted calls for reforms to improve the treatment of inmates with mental health issues.

These events underscore the complex and challenging nature of operating a correctional facility and the need for continuous efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of inmates and staff.

Ongoing Developments and Future Directions

The McLean County Jail is currently undergoing a comprehensive renovation project to modernize and upgrade the facility. The project includes the construction of a new intake and booking area, expanded housing units, and improved medical and mental health facilities. The renovation is expected to be completed in 2024 and will significantly enhance the jail's capacity to provide safe and humane conditions for inmates.

In addition to the renovation project, the McLean County Jail is also exploring various initiatives to improve inmate care and reduce recidivism. These initiatives include:

  • Expanding access to mental health and substance abuse treatment programs
  • Implementing programs to help inmates obtain job training and education
  • Strengthening partnerships with community organizations to facilitate successful reentry into society

The McLean County Jail is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for inmates and staff while also promoting rehabilitation and reducing recidivism. Through ongoing renovations, program expansions, and community partnerships, the jail strives to fulfill its mission of upholding public safety and promoting justice in McLean County.
